Sunday, November 30, 2003
Don't pull the thang out, unless you plan to bang: Here comes the turkey. No, I don't think the bird Bush served up in Baghdad on Thanksgiving is included in its death toll, but I've added an Iraq Body Count counter to the site. I'd like to see one for soldiers as well. Soldiers on both sides.
This project aims to record single-mindedly and on a virtually real-time basis one key and immutable index of the fruits of war: the death toll of innocents. The full extent of this has often gone unnoticed until long after a war has ended, if at all. One reason is that reports of incidents where civilians have been killed are scattered in different news sources and spread over time: one or two killed here, a few dozen there, with only major incidents (such as the attack on the Al-Amariyah bomb shelter where hundreds of women, children and elderly were incinerated alive) being guaranteed headline coverage.
But the smaller numbers quickly add up: and however many civilians are killed in the onslaught on Iraq, their death toll should not go unnoticed by those who are paying — in taxes — for their slaughter.
The counter is in the 'extras' menu at the right.
Saturday, November 29, 2003
We're purple again! For now, anyway. The kids and I have miserable colds (Damn you, Sam!!), so I've been futzing with layout in between wiping wee runny noses. The archive, message board, guestbook links are now along the top.
While watching me work, my four-year-old son pointed to the picture below and asked, "What's his name?"
"Michael Biehn," I replied.
"Michael Biehn has boobs," he giggled.
What a smart aleck. That's my boy.
Sunday, November 23, 2003
Wanted - One Man Slut: After trying to control Whe's two kids for about five minutes in her kitchen last night - I was serving ice cream to Mini-Whe and suddenly Baby-Whe had pulled the bowl out of Mini's hands and there was ice cream all over the floor - I've determined that I don't want children.
This decision was not made lightly. I've lived with Whe and her kids and my sister and my niece and as much as I truly love children, truth be told - at some point when dealing with them, they inevitably drive me insane.
I've also determined that I don't need a boyfriend. I need sex on a regular basis, yes, but again, truth be told - at some point in dealing with a man, he inevitably drives me insane.
I have witnessed the incredibly fucked-up relationships other people have with their significant others and when I dream of a possible happy future for myself, I am living blissfully alone in a high-rise condo with my cat.
So basically, all I really need is a man to fuck my brains out two or three times a month, with no strings attached - any volunteers?
Monday, November 17, 2003
Got your mother in a whirl: As I was singing along in the car to David Bowie's Rebel Rebel on the way home tonight, it occurred to me that the only reason I knew every single word of the song was because the Bay City Rollers did a version of it. Yes, I know that's sad.
Speaking of sad: I went up to see my parent's this weekend and got a speeding ticket - I was going 114 in an 80 km zone. It's only the second speeding ticket I've gotten in 15 years so I was pretty damn calm about it, considering. Of course, I'm not real calm about having to pay the $152 fine.
As it turns out, I'm the only one of their children coming up north for xmas. My youngest sis, who lives with them, will be there, but I'm the only one of the three older kids who is willing to drive up there this year. My mother was in quite a whirl about it but seemed to appreciate me a little more this weekend. So my grandmother may hate me, but I'm looking golden to my parents at the moment.
Thursday, November 13, 2003
Don't Say I Didn't Warn You: Some things just shouldn't be viewed at work.
Where did the summer go? It's been snowing all morning. I've been wondering how I'm going to get downtown this winter with two kids and no car.
Maybe, just maybe, the sidewalks here will be plowed all winter, but it's still tough pushing a stroller in a snowstorm. The baby is pretty small to go long distances in a sled, unless I can find one with a seatbelt harness.
Or I could just duct-tape her to a toboggan. It'd work for Red Green.
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
- John McCrae, 1915
On Thin Ice
Monday, November 10, 2003
It's A Small World After All: Ever wonder how you can get yourself thin and beautiful like Lara Flynne Boyle or Kate Moss? Want to know how Brittany Murphy and Christina Ricci went from buxom to billfold-thin? Just do a Google search, and learn how to become anorexic.
Ana and Mia sites (pro anorexia and pro bulimia websites) are fairly prolific. Some try to restrict readers who are not already anorexic, but others give step-by-step "thinspiration" tips on how the novice can starve herself to perfection.
Yahoo deletes these sites, but you can still find a host of other sites, message boards, cliques and webrings devoted to a "bones of beauty" lifestyle.
The personal sites share common themes: lists of "safe" foods; weight charts; gloomy diary entries by depressive young women; and a section of pictures of skinny models and actresses called "Thinspiration" (which is where these photos came from).
Forty Reasons ...
... not to eat.
1. You will be FAT if you eat today. Just put it off one more day.
2. You don't NEED food.
3. Fat people can't fit everywhere.
4. Guys will be able to pick you up without struggling.
5. You'll be able to run faster without all that extra weight holding you back.
6. People will remember you as the 'beautiful thin one.'
7. If someone has to describe you, they'll say, 'oh, she weighs like 100, 110 lbs.'
8. Guys will want to get to know you, not laugh at you and walk away.
9. Starving is an example of excellent willpower.
10. You will be able to see your beautiful, beautiful bones.
11. Bones are clean and pure. Fat is dirty and hangs on your bones like a parasite. Link
Tips and tricks from a website called Starvation read like any sane parent's nightmare:
 -dont avoid the kitchen. people will suspect something
-faking ill usually works.
-take naps through meals.
-get a job through meals.
-spread food on plates and leave them in the sink. people will think you ate.
-adopt a dog and feed him your food.
-mention how you think fiona apple, callista flockhart and kate moss are just waaay too thin.
-never eat alone. always have someone around when you finally do eat then you can say "i ate"
-if you are forced to go to a restraunt order something you know you dont like.
Tips for bulimics teach you different ways to induce vomiting, and the best foods to eat while binging.
Eat foods like ice cream, milkshakes, soft stuff which is easier to come up. However, don't try purging citric fruits, raw vegetables, breads, hot and spicy foods since this might hurt a lot and you might not get everything up. Oh and be carreful with sharp foods like some cereals and chips since they can get stuck or cut your throat.. If you choose to eat these it's better to just exercise it off or fast but if you really feel you need to purge be sure to chew your food EXTRA well please.. You don't want to hurt yourself.
Here's a comment by a 22-year-old woman left in one 15-year-old girl's guestbook:
No offense, but if you weigh 145, you're not ana! I'm about your height, and have never weighed above 109. I've maintained a weight of 98 for 16 months now now. All I can say is, good luck!
Good luck at what? Starving yourself to death? Way to be supportive.
Emaciated: The following is from a site by Lauren, who says she is now in recovery (this is not a picture of Lauren; it's one from her collection).
"i decided not to include an emaciated gallery on my site. first of all, i could hardly find any pictures that aren't already in every other emaciated gallery on the web. the picture above was one of the few that i found. i remember putting this picture on my old site without thinking anything of it, but when i saw it this time i felt so sad. i don't know how that could be inspirting to anyone, the picture looks so painful and hopeless. this is definately not something i want to promote. if anything, this picture is on my website to show the true pain of anorexia not as a lifestyle, but as a disorder. " - Lauren
One site makes a distinction between anorexics and "rexies," a term of empowerment for those who see this disease as an accomplishment. I guess Calista Flockhart is a fun-loving rexie, while Karen Carpenter is a rotting-in-her-grave anorexic.
"You may already know the difference between us rexies and anorexics! If u want sympathy for your "disease", you are anorexic. If you want respect and admiration for your lifestyle of choice, you are a rexie… Anorexics die. Rexies don't. Have we understood the difference? This site is for us rexies, who are proud of our accomplishments, and the accomplishments that lie ahead. we will never die."
(Rexia-World) Source
Wow, being a rexie is the key to eternal life. Who fucking knew?
Reading through these websites has given me mixed feelings of pity and anger. Because I have children, it also makes me afraid. Should these sites be allowed?
I realize Yahoo is a big corporation concerned with protecting its ass, but in general I can't abide by censorship. Television, movies and magazines are filled with thin role models. These girls are simply sharing secrets on how to achieve the look that's being shoved down our throats. Since Yahoo is deleting sites, they are forced to become sneaky (just like they are with food) if they want to use a freeserver.
I can't help but wonder what message it's sending to these girls. I also think it's destroying an opportunity to learn what makes them tick.
I think these test results are bogus, man!
Find Out If You Are John Stamos!
Saturday, November 08, 2003
I am Woman! There's nothing like getting up in the morning, deciding to do some cleaning and finding out your CD player isn't working. Fuck. I've got a Fisher 3-disc changer and it would not open or play any discs.
So what's a girl to do? Sit and cry? Smash her fists into the stereo (which, by the way, I did try but it didn't work)? Wait for a man to help? Hell NO! A smart girl decides to take matters into her own hands and try to fix it herself.
After a fruitless search for the stereo remote control, I decided to use my old tactic, and actually read the manual. Luckily, I found it easily. It suggested I unplug the stereo and hit a reset button on the back for at least 20 seconds. I did just that, plugged it back in, let it reset itself then pushed the power button.
Well holy shit, the disc changer was moving and seemed to be working. I threw in The Tragically Hip's Fully Completely and pressed play. And out comes the sweet sounds of:
Watch the band through a bunch of dancers
Quickly, follow the unknown
With something more familiar.
Quickly, something familiar
Courage, my word
It didn't come it doesn't matter
I don't think I've ever enjoyed listening to The Tragically Hip more than I did this morning.
I am woman, hear me roar!
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Don't want to meet your daddy/Just want you in my Caddy: Our guestbook is starting to frighten me.
"I haven't been this hard since Gore lost Florida. "