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Sunday, November 30, 2003

Here comes the turkey.Don't pull the thang out, unless you plan to bang: Here comes the turkey. No, I don't think the bird Bush served up in Baghdad on Thanksgiving is included in its death toll, but I've added an Iraq Body Count counter to the site. I'd like to see one for soldiers as well. Soldiers on both sides.

This project aims to record single-mindedly and on a virtually real-time basis one key and immutable index of the fruits of war: the death toll of innocents. The full extent of this has often gone unnoticed until long after a war has ended, if at all. One reason is that reports of incidents where civilians have been killed are scattered in different news sources and spread over time: one or two killed here, a few dozen there, with only major incidents (such as the attack on the Al-Amariyah bomb shelter where hundreds of women, children and elderly were incinerated alive) being guaranteed headline coverage.

But the smaller numbers quickly add up: and however many civilians are killed in the onslaught on Iraq, their death toll should not go unnoticed by those who are paying — in taxes — for their slaughter.

The counter is in the 'extras' menu at the right.

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