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Monday, October 27, 2003

Hey Kids! You can too can be a mass murderer this Halloween!Halloween Horror Show: I love watching horror movies around this time of year. A few of my favourites are Fright Night, The Omen, Poltergeist and A Nightmare On Elm Street. The latter two I haven't seen in years but I remember they scared the shit out of me when I was a teenager.

Unfortunately, these days, the real world is a horror show all on its own. Who needs a horror movie when every morning, CBC Radio wakes me up with news of yet another bomb in the Middle East exploding or another gun battle. This morning it was the bombing of a hotel full of U.S. "occupation" officials and the Red Cross headquarters in Baghdad.

So far, the number of American and British soldiers killed in Iraq since the illegal war began increases daily: the total number of dead is 397, of that number 343 Americans, 50 British and four others (whatever that means) have died. Since May 1, when U.S. President George W. Bush declared that major combat operations in Iraq were over, a total of 226 military personnel have died.

The number of civilian deaths is staggering. According to Iraq Body Count, at least 7,768 civilians have died this year as a result of the U.S. led war and occupation of Iraq.

A note to Freddie and Jason - why bother fighting to defend your title when Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and Powell (with a body count of at least 8,000 so far) have got you beat hands down?

The Sun Is Exploding!

Friday, October 24, 2003

Tired is me. Was woken by a midnight phone call not intended for me and couldn't really sleep the rest of the night. People who call you at midnight deserve to be slapped.

The Earth has been put on a Solar Storm Alert. Apparently 10 billion tonnes of superhot gas is going to be speeding towards Earth and is expected to hit the atmosphere at approximately 3 p.m. Scientists have said to expect power outages and disruptions to cell phones and satellites. Oh joy.

Not only that, there is more to come. Apparently they've spotted another storm on the sun that will also hit us in the next two weeks.

The solar event today is one of the largest sunspot groups in years. It is 10 times larger than the surface of the Earth. Kinda scary. You know, if the world ends today, please just don't let me be at work when it happens. On the bright side, at least I'd finally get some sleep!

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Screaming. The stress reliever for the non-yoga freak.Fuck The World: I've had a shitty week. It started with my grandmother being an old bitch again. My sister announced she was pregnant again Sunday at the family thanksgiving dinner (held at my brother's place this year) and my grandmother had to say to me "When are you finally going to have a baby? Not that I'm longing for a baby or anything, she just has to make me feel guilty for simply not having one, because it's what she wants.

As my grandmother was leaving, she turned to my brother's girlfriend (who'd cooked the potatoes and ham, I did turkey and stuffing, so we had split the cooking) and said "It was nice meeting you. Thank you for all the trouble you went to with this dinner. You did a great job." I was standing right beside his girlfriend and my grandmother didn't even look at me or say goodbye to me. Fucking old bitch.

My rotbag week continued with brutal, horrible menstrual cramps on Monday. The drive into work every morning has been shitty and double the time it usually takes. My boss continues to be a bitch and I get to be the recipient of her bad moods.

Have I mentioned that life sucks? Have I mentioned the world sucks? Well it fucking does. Oh and if you're reading this, so do you!

Friday, October 10, 2003

Are you ready for the country?Speaking of Neil Young... One Young song which often gets stuck in my brain is Out On The Weekend. Packing up and running away to start a new life; this is a strong theme with me. My recurring nightmares involve an inability to escape.

It's weird that I'm still having these nightmares, even more so now that I've moved into my first house. Am I trapped between a need for security and a lust for adventure? Or am I still still stuck in the mindset of my earlier years when I felt the need to slip the surly bonds of my parents?

These nightmares hark back to when I returned to my family home after my mom was diagnosed to cancer. I was torn between wanting to stay and help, and needing to run away and never turn back. I left a couple of months after she died, but the memory haunts me still.

Why won't my brain let me escape?

Out On The Weekend
Think I'll pack it in
and buy a pick-up
Take it down to L.A.
Find a place to call my own
and try to fix up.
Start a brand new day.

The woman I'm thinking of,
she loved me all up
But I'm so down today
She's so fine, she's in my mind.
I hear her callin'.

See the lonely boy,
out on the weekend
Trying to make it pay.
Can't relate to joy,
he tries to speak and
Can't begin to say.

She got pictures on the wall,
they make me look up
From her big brass bed.
Now I'm running down the road
trying to stay up
Somewhere in her head.

The woman I'm thinking of,
she loved me all up
But I'm so down today
She's so fine she's in my mind.
I hear her callin'.

See the lonely boy,
out on the weekend
Trying to make it pay.
Can't relate to joy,
he tries to speak and
Can't begin to say.

Meet Our New Leader

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Dalton McGuinty is the Premier Designate of Ontario. It's been eight long years of brutal "Progressive" Conservative rule in this province but that all ended tonight as Mr. McGuinty and his Liberal Party swept the seats and will form a majority government in the provincial legislature. At last count, out of 103 total seats, the results were: Liberals 72; PC 24 and NDP 7.

Eight years of tax breaks for the rich - gone!

Eight years of hospitals closing due to lack of provincial funding - gone!

Eight years of cut backs to education - gone!

Eight years of union bashing - gone!

Eight years of a bunch of elite fat cats running our government - gone!

If my damn jaw didn't ache so bad (and I wasn't on prescription drugs right now) I'd not only have the energy to write much more about this, I'd also probably be partying my ass off! As it is, I'm still going to go to bed with a big smile on my swelled up face. Good luck Mr. McGuinty and do us proud!

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Damn you Neil Young! That damn man (even though I worship him) always seems to make me cry. Due to the brutal day I had today, this song moved me to tears when I heard it.

Neil Young

Sailing heart-ships thru broken harbors
Out on the waves in the night
Still the searcher must ride the dark horse
Racing alone in his fright.
Tell me why, tell me why

Is it hard to make arrangements with yourself,
When you're old enough to repay but young enough to sell?

Tell me lies later, come and see me
I'll be around for a while.
I am lonely but you can free me
All in the way that you smile
Tell me why, tell me why

Is it hard to make arrangements with yourself,
When you're old enough to repay but young enough to sell?

Tell me why, tell me why
Tell me why, tell me why

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