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The Sun Is Exploding!

Friday, October 24, 2003

Tired is me. Was woken by a midnight phone call not intended for me and couldn't really sleep the rest of the night. People who call you at midnight deserve to be slapped.

The Earth has been put on a Solar Storm Alert. Apparently 10 billion tonnes of superhot gas is going to be speeding towards Earth and is expected to hit the atmosphere at approximately 3 p.m. Scientists have said to expect power outages and disruptions to cell phones and satellites. Oh joy.

Not only that, there is more to come. Apparently they've spotted another storm on the sun that will also hit us in the next two weeks.

The solar event today is one of the largest sunspot groups in years. It is 10 times larger than the surface of the Earth. Kinda scary. You know, if the world ends today, please just don't let me be at work when it happens. On the bright side, at least I'd finally get some sleep!

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