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Thursday, October 16, 2003

Screaming. The stress reliever for the non-yoga freak.Fuck The World: I've had a shitty week. It started with my grandmother being an old bitch again. My sister announced she was pregnant again Sunday at the family thanksgiving dinner (held at my brother's place this year) and my grandmother had to say to me "When are you finally going to have a baby? Not that I'm longing for a baby or anything, she just has to make me feel guilty for simply not having one, because it's what she wants.

As my grandmother was leaving, she turned to my brother's girlfriend (who'd cooked the potatoes and ham, I did turkey and stuffing, so we had split the cooking) and said "It was nice meeting you. Thank you for all the trouble you went to with this dinner. You did a great job." I was standing right beside his girlfriend and my grandmother didn't even look at me or say goodbye to me. Fucking old bitch.

My rotbag week continued with brutal, horrible menstrual cramps on Monday. The drive into work every morning has been shitty and double the time it usually takes. My boss continues to be a bitch and I get to be the recipient of her bad moods.

Have I mentioned that life sucks? Have I mentioned the world sucks? Well it fucking does. Oh and if you're reading this, so do you!

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