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Monday, October 27, 2003

Hey Kids! You can too can be a mass murderer this Halloween!Halloween Horror Show: I love watching horror movies around this time of year. A few of my favourites are Fright Night, The Omen, Poltergeist and A Nightmare On Elm Street. The latter two I haven't seen in years but I remember they scared the shit out of me when I was a teenager.

Unfortunately, these days, the real world is a horror show all on its own. Who needs a horror movie when every morning, CBC Radio wakes me up with news of yet another bomb in the Middle East exploding or another gun battle. This morning it was the bombing of a hotel full of U.S. "occupation" officials and the Red Cross headquarters in Baghdad.

So far, the number of American and British soldiers killed in Iraq since the illegal war began increases daily: the total number of dead is 397, of that number 343 Americans, 50 British and four others (whatever that means) have died. Since May 1, when U.S. President George W. Bush declared that major combat operations in Iraq were over, a total of 226 military personnel have died.

The number of civilian deaths is staggering. According to Iraq Body Count, at least 7,768 civilians have died this year as a result of the U.S. led war and occupation of Iraq.

A note to Freddie and Jason - why bother fighting to defend your title when Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and Powell (with a body count of at least 8,000 so far) have got you beat hands down?

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