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Meet Our New Leader

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Dalton McGuinty is the Premier Designate of Ontario. It's been eight long years of brutal "Progressive" Conservative rule in this province but that all ended tonight as Mr. McGuinty and his Liberal Party swept the seats and will form a majority government in the provincial legislature. At last count, out of 103 total seats, the results were: Liberals 72; PC 24 and NDP 7.

Eight years of tax breaks for the rich - gone!

Eight years of hospitals closing due to lack of provincial funding - gone!

Eight years of cut backs to education - gone!

Eight years of union bashing - gone!

Eight years of a bunch of elite fat cats running our government - gone!

If my damn jaw didn't ache so bad (and I wasn't on prescription drugs right now) I'd not only have the energy to write much more about this, I'd also probably be partying my ass off! As it is, I'm still going to go to bed with a big smile on my swelled up face. Good luck Mr. McGuinty and do us proud!

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