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Friday, September 26, 2003

mood: tyrannical

Nice perm, fatboy.License2KimJongill: Tho not-so secret online diaries of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il can be found on Live Journal. I'd always imagined him as more of a "Moveable Type" kinda guy. At the very least, he should be using those little kitty cat kao anis to depict his daily moods.

You should set up an independent state called "Pontiac Firebird".

Other links:
Kim Jong Il's North Korea Fan Club!
BBC profile.

Speaking of Live Journal, is this boy pretty or what? I'd kill for those cheekbones.

Yeah Baby - YEAH!

Monday, September 15, 2003

These boots are made for walkin' Our friend Blarx has seen fit to immortalize me in some cool artwork on his website. I'm right between Leatherface and the very recently deceased John Ritter and I'm lovin' every minute of it! Whe is afraid my head is going to explode.

The "mod" picture of me was taken when I was in college and was used for a feature in our school newspaper about second hand clothes. I think the outfit was purchased at the Salvation Army and the boots belonged to Whe.

That picture always reminds me of an incident with a creepy guy who lived around the corner who had a huge crush on me. In a moment of insanity one summer night, I actually invited the guy over to sit on my parent's porch and have a drink with me. I was bored and thought, "Hell, I'll throw the guy a bone." It turned out he went to the same college I did but attended a different campus because suddenly he started talking about a fashion picture he'd seen of me in the school paper and that he'd kept it. Of course I imagined him sitting alone in his room masturbating with that picture. I remember shuddering and making up some excuse to get rid of him.

When I think back on it now though, who could blame him? I was really hot when I was in college!

*Head explodes*

In other news: Our domain name We Hate Everyone.com was finally renewed.

The following is a response to BeX's post below

Monday, September 01, 2003

They should provide trauma counselling for Wal-Mart shoppers. My last time there was October 25, 2002 and I vowed to never return to get groped by the dregs of society in that crowded hellhole.

I'll never forget that date, as it marked when Wal-Mart greeters began checking carts for shoplifted items instead of making shoppers feel welcome; when staff had no knowledge of the store's stock and just shrugged over my request for a diaper wipe warmer; when fellow (adult) shoppers heartlessly ran over my three-year-old son with their carts as he attempted to find a Scooby Doo Hallowe'en costume.

Okay, the real reason I remember the date is because my daughter was only two days old and got lots of oohs and ahs, BUT STILL! It was a degrading experience.

Dave hates Wal-Mart too.

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