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You lose some and then you WIN!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So shit, I lost my job about a month ago. A big shock to me but the guy I worked for was a bad-tempered, disgusting old asshole anyway so to not have to see that asshole ever again will certainly have its benefits.

The problem is, the last time I lost my job, I was out of work for over a year - it was truly a living hell for me. Living on employment insurance is not living - I think I was getting $750 every two weeks (if that). That kind of money would pay for my rent and my car payments and the car insurance and leave me with enough left over for a couple of boxes of Kraft Dinner every month.

What a difference it's been this time around. The day after I lost the job I was sending my resume out to anyone who would take it and Voila - a week later I got a call and had an interview scheduled. I walked into that interview as confident as ever and a week after that, I got the damn job.

On Friday, I got a nice little severance pay from my last employer deposited into my bank account and on Monday, I started my new job. I'm exhausted but loving the way things have worked out.

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