Car accidents and bomb plots
A week that started with some fuctard rear-ending me, causing me back and neck pain and the loss of my car for over a week, was topped off by a bunch of terror suspects getting arrested yesterday. Their plot included bombing the CSIS headquarters in Toronto, located on Front Street near the CN Tower . My fucking office is on Front Street and I can see the CN Tower right across the street. It kind of scared the shit out of me reading about it. I gotta tell you, one of the worst ways to die, to me, would be dying at work. I can't imagine the kind of chaos a bomb going off on Front Street would cause.
Anyway I had to get xrays on Friday, and the medication my doctor prescribed for the pain seems to be exacerbating the heartburn problem I developed a few years ago when I was unemployed. Foods don't seem to bring it on that often but stress sure as hell does and I've been stressed out from work and this stupid accident. I'm sucking back Zantac's like they're candy.
I'll be getting the xray results from my doctor this week and hopefully they will show nothing unusual.