A Friday The 13th Confession
I want to be a supervillain: If the average human being only uses about 37 per cent of his or her brain in an entire lifetime, I think I’m using about 40.
I claim at least one percentage point for the simple fact that I'm a Slider (no, I can't slide into other dimensions like on the TV show) which means I am able to affect electricity with my brainwaves. Light bulbs sometimes pop when I walk into a room, street lights commonly go out when I walk underneath them, especially if I'm angry. I’m usually not shutting down lights on purpose, although occasionally, by sheer force of will, I can look up at a street light and *poof* - the light goes boom. It's like I unleash a sort of lightening rod from my brain that emanates to the socket.
This is a talent I’ve had for years and I’m pretty damn proud of it. As of today, though, I'm going to claim another 2 per cent because I have discovered a whole new power inside of me.
I'm not psychic - I can't predict the future. But it seems I can change the future, if I concentrate on it hard enough. I've discovered, especially over the past couple of weeks, that I can make bad things happen to people I don't like. Not terrible bad things, just minor bad things.
It's Friday the 13th and all week long I've been concentrating on something bad happening to my boss on this very day. She was supposed to fly home from England and I wanted something to happen to the airplane. I didn't want the plane to crash or anything, because I would feel guilty for the rest of my life (or at least the rest of the day) so I just wanted something to happen so she wouldn't get home.
Well guess what? She's not on a plane home today, stupidly, she forgot a major piece of identification and they would not let her on her flight. She'll be stuck in another country for the entire weekend and won't be back in the office until Tuesday at the earliest.
I wouldn't have thought much of this, except for the fact that about two weeks ago, I concentrated on the idea/hope that my grandmother would not be at my parent's 40th Anniversary party. Again, I didn't want anything terrible to happen, I just didn't want her at the party, because she can't stand me and I can't stand her. As it turned out, my grandmother had to go into the hospital for a couple of days due to dehydration. She's fine now but was unable to make the party. SCORE!
About three years ago, I was supposed to fly to Atlanta with my former boss to attend a trade show. A week before we were to leave, I kept hoping, wishing and concentrating on the idea that somehow he would miss the plane. On the day of the flight, as I sat in a row by myself as the plane taxied on the runway before takeoff, I realized that my wish had come true - he had missed the flight.
Was it just a coincidence or did I will it to happen?
I'm thinking I should try concentrating on good things and willing them to happen. But when I really think about it, being a little bit evil is a lot more fun. And who knows, maybe if I combine Sliding with will power, I could shoot down my enemies with bolts of electricity, on Friday the 13th.