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Bad Night For Bwian, Great Day For Me

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Poor Bwian, Larissa broke his heart.Shallow Show, Shallow Ending: As in the first edition of Average Joe, the supermodel single gal (in the latest series, Larissa Meek) chose the brain-dead hunk instead of the average joe.

Bwian from Bwaston was cweepy and from what I saw in the date scenes it was obvious he couldn't kiss either. Still, I couldn't help rooting for the guy, probably because he seemed like such a dweeb.

Larissa though, couldn't keep her eyes off Gil, who when asked what he was hoping to get out of the "journey" told her straight out: "I'm hoping to become an actor." I honestly thought she would see right through Gil at that moment but her libido seemed to ignore the comment. When she told Gil later on that she used to date Fabio and Gil immediately dumped her, I laughed that instant karma had kicked in so quickly and bit her in the ass.

Bwian, and it seems Larissa, both had a bad day - mine, on the other hand, was awesome. I won the Oscar Contest (and a DVD of the first season of the BBC show The Office) at our good friend Spaderboy's Monkeyshank Message Board. Then, when I came back from lunch, there was a box on my desk and inside it was a Buxton wallet with my name on it in gold - a gift from a supplier.

Later on in the day, I went over to the GNC store at the mall to buy some carb blockers and I mentioned to the owner that I wish they sold Melatonin like their stores in the U.S. He smiled and motioned me over to a new display that included - Melatonin! It has apparently just been approved in Canada.

Not only did I have a great day but I got a good night's sleep too. I hope this string of good luck lasts.

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