Admiration must be earned
 Back To School: In Jackie Oh's Stardust Lounge, she has a regular feature called Question of The Week. Last week's question: Whom do you admire most? This got me thinking the other day about teachers I had through elementary school and how there were really only two who stood out in my mind: Miss Brown who became Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Richardson.
I had Miss Brown/Mrs. Taylor for Grades 1, 4 and 6 - she was kind and nice and a good teacher. The funniest thing is that she would meet her boyfriend for lunch (or he'd arrive with a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken), drive off in his car and come back with hickeys on her neck - she tended to wear scarves around her neck to hide them. All the kids in the class would gossip about the newest hickeys she had that day. All in all though I think the entire class felt the same way about her - she was so great and so gorgeous. I wanted to be Miss Brown when I grew up!
When I was in Grade 4 Miss Brown got married and invited the entire class to the wedding. She had on one of those great big floppy 70's hats, rather than a veil, as did her bridesmaids but the one thing that stands out in my mind about that wedding is that her fiance wore a fake denim suit. I'm sure he thought he looked cool and I'm also sure the two of them get a good laugh from their wedding pictures now, that is, if they're still married. I wonder if he still gives her hickeys?
Mrs. Richardson helped me develop my writing skills to the point where she edited, printed and handed out an anonymous newspaper I wrote every month for the Grade 7 class. She also understood 13 year old kids. When several of us told her we weren't ready for the Catholic confirmation ceremony we were expected to go through with that year she told us it was up to us and agreed that we shouldn't have to do it if we didn't want to. Of course our parent's disagreed with that advice and forced us to confirm beliefs that we didn't feel were valid.
I was shocked to find the above picture in a box this past weekend as I'd already started writing this blog. I wasn't looking for the pic but I think it was looking for me. And if you're still out there somewhere, thanks Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Richardson!