damn you, sam!
Monday, December 01, 2003
The Snot Runneth Over: Apparently my house is crawling with mean bad guys.
But this is a good thing. It means my son is definitely on the mend from his terrible cold. This morning, he grabbed his Spider-man motorcycle and a small coat hanger from Old Navy and pretended they were guns.
"Mommy, I'm a policeman. You're a policeman. Daddy's a policeman. Baby's a policeman. Dog is a policeman. Becky's a policeman. And Mokie (BeX's cat) is a policeman too."
He then pointed at the ceiling, shouted "Mean bad guy!" and proceeded to furiously shoot at an imaginary creep with supernatural powers.
Yesterday, his day was spent zombied out on the couch, coughing up a lung or two, barely responding to offers of soup and juice. The cough is still there, but the the mean bad guys chasing after us are a good sign that he's getting better.
I'm a liitle afraid to take a shower alone, though.