Creepy Love puts the 'Court' in Courtney
Saturday, December 20, 2003
Pretty on the inside? Any sane fan of Courtney Love has got to admit her latest incarnation as a drugged-out mom overly fond of the plastic surgeon's knife is creepy. Despite a battle with her former mother-in-law to keep custody of Frances Bean, Courtney's 11-year-old daughter with Kurt Cobain, she continues to act like a doped-up, spoiled brat.
During her appearance in court on December 11 (when her hearing was postponed) Courtney resembled a frizzy-haired, whacked-out circus clown.
Remember the memorial two days after Kurt was found dead? Courtney read his suicide note, and cursed him out. She had the whole crowd screaming at her tortured husband, calling him an asshole. Kurt's note ended: "Please keep going Courtney, for Frances. For her life, which will be so much happier without me."
You're doing a great job there, Courtney. Who's the asshole now? Despite reports that you've been through detox, you couldn't even hold it together in court.
Love, who wore a pink jacket and pink sandals and carried pink roses, became anxious when the judge asked to review the probation report. “Probation. ... What is that? What is that?” she said, before making growling noises and clawing motions with her hands. source
Courtney was arrested in October after becoming violent outside an ex-boyfriend's house in Los Angeles. Hours after she was released by police, she fell ill from an accidental overdose of the painkiller OxyContin. She has said she tried to make the overdose "fun" for 11-year-old Frances, who made her green tea as they waited for an ambulance to arrive.
As if to somehow make the public feel better about the incident, Courtney assured "That's the only time my daughter has ever, ever, ever pitched in on one of my little crises.
"I made it fun. I said it was going to be gross and I was going to have to make myself throw up but it was going to be OK," she told People magazine's November 3 edition.
Gee, my mom wasn't half as cool when she'd OD. She'd be all, "Clean up your room before the paramedics get here." Do you think Bean got to hold back mommy's hair extensions while she puked?
Courtney pleaded innocent; her lawyer says she took the wrong medication by mistake. That sounds like an excuse you'd tell your parents. If she was drugged up by accident that night, what's her reason every other day of the year? Pictures from her court appearance don't show a mom who is serious about keeping custody of her daughter.
Oh make me over: Perhaps I'm being harsh. Maybe Courtney's freakish appearance is solely due to all the surgery she's had done to her face. One thing I'd liked about Courtney is she never seemed afraid to look ugly. Now she has the air of a trashy, rich bitch who doesn't give a shit because she can afford not to.
The new look is scary. She brings to mind Katherine Helmond's character Ida Lowry, the protagonist's youth-obsessed mother in Brazil. I used to like her varying looks: from punk chick to Nirvana arm candy to widow skank to somewhat respectable actress. She always had an allure.
Today she looks like Joan Rivers on crack. Her collagen-bloated lips are more trout than pout. What's with these Hollywood women who pay big bucks for fishlips? It's not like she had skinny lips to begin with. Click her pic below for the full size.
It's okay to eat fish, because they don't have any feelings. Zits and all, skanky Courtney looked a million times better than this. I don't know how many nose jobs she's had done, or why her cheeks look so oddly stretched. I can't help but think of Kurt's words: "I'm so ugly, but that's okay, 'cos so are you. We've broken our mirrors."
Too bad that's not true.
Is she ugly on the inside, baby?
Ugly, ugly from the back?
There is no power like my pretty power
My pretty power
My ugly
Slutkiss girl
Won't you promise her smack?
Is she pretty on the inside?
Is she ugly?
Courtney in court.
Kurt & Courtney's Yuletide Nativity.