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All this and I get to change diapers too!

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Cinnamony goodness ground into my floor.Rut roh! The baby is cutting a side tooth which is causing her to bite and chew on whatever she can get in her mouth. Usually that means me, and let me tell you it makes breastfeeding a bitch. When she's teething, all she wants to do is nurse. When she nurses, she bites down hard with those tiny, razor-sharp fangs, causing me to scream out in pain.

When this occurs, my four-year-old son rolls his eyes. "What now?" My pained screams are becoming all too common in this household.

The boy is sick again, and has been keeping me up all night as I worry about his cough and laboured breathing. He has no fever and he's fine during the day. So I keep debating: do we take the half hour walk in the cold to the doctor or wait and see? We could try the bus, but in the time we spend waiting, I imagine we could walk it. A cab isn't an option, because both kids require car seats. I know other parents use cabs, but I don't see how that's even legal.

I can't even make a decision on a doctor's appointment without worrying about being thrown in jail.

This morning, we had a cereal explosion. Scooby Doo cereal with little marshmallow ghosties, all sopped in homo milk, were everywhere. While I rushed off to get towels, the baby knocked the rest of the milk onto the leather couch.

The three of us are grouchy and exhausted, but I'm counting my blessings, partly because of this heartbreaking Salon article by Anne Mitchell.

I can't hate the Kelsos

At least they took their disabled child to the hospital instead of the nearest bridge.

By Anne Mitchell

Jan. 4, 2000 | "Abandoned Boy Case Stuns Advocates."

This Associated Press headline, crisp and gripping to the average reader, is a joke to any honest parent of a disabled child. Try "Parents at Brink of Collapse Don't Abandon Boy" for a real shockerooni. As the parent of two disabled children myself, I often visualize headlines like "Mom Drives Self and Two Boys Off Bridge" -- and the only shocking part is that it hasn't come true.

News accounts of Richard and Dawn Kelso leaving their 10-year-old son, Steven, at a Delaware hospital the day after Christmas with his toys, medical supplies and a note saying they could no longer care for the boy, dwell on the fact that the Kelso family lived in a $200,000 house and drove BMWs. Clearly, these selfish, privileged bastards ... more

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