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Hummer Envy?

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Wow - is that a gherkin in your pants or are you just happy to see your hummer?

How small does your penis have to be in order for you to purchase a Hummer? I have seen these monstrosity's on Toronto's highways lately and have decided they have to be the most ridiculous vehicles on the road today. If you live in the city, why in the hell do you need one of these beasts?

I own a small Hyundai Accent which gets an average of 31 mpg . The Hummer gets an average of 8 to 10 mpg. Considering the amount of greenhouse gases vehicles currently pour into the air everyday, why was General Motors even allowed to manufacture this vehicle?

The environmental effects are bad enough - just try driving behind one of these bastards. It's next to impossible to see what's going on ahead of a Hummer and I find myself even longing for the days when I cursed-out mini-van and SUV drivers due to lack of a sight line.

I have seen the type of men behind the wheel of these monoliths: overly-tanned, fat, old and rich enough to buy all their friends - I'll bet my ex is looking into getting one. Come to think of it, his dick was pretty tiny too.

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