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Monday, March 17, 2003

Here We Go Again: It looks like a US/British war with Iraq is inevitable. Dubya's addressing the American public tonight on television and, as most of us knew, he had no intention of ever going the diplomatic route and letting UN inspections continue. Like his daddy before him, he's a war monger and he was going to bomb Baghdad with or without a resolution from the UN.

In the past few weeks, I have been called a pinko, a commie, a terrorist and now a leftist whackjob for my very verbal anti-war stance. I guess I'm in good company.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday that a war to force Saddam Hussein to disarm would imperil world security.

"We are for solving the problem exclusively by peaceful means," Putin said, according to the Interfax news agency. "Any other development would be a mistake -- fraught with the toughest consequences, leading to victims and destabilization of the international situation as a whole."

Canada will not participate in a war on Iraq that does not have the support of the UN Security Council, Prime Minister Jean Chretien announced Monday.

"If military action proceeds without a new resolution of the security council, Canada will not participate," Chretien said to loud applause in the House of Commons.

Pope John Paul II "Faced with the tremendous consequences that an international military operation would have for the people of Iraq...I say to all: there is still time to negotiate, there is still space for peace."

For once I'm actually agreeing with the pope on something. But is there really still space, still time, for peace? I highly doubt it.

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