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Total Assholes

Sunday, April 28, 2002

So far, in two different sports during the past week, American fans have booed the Canadian anthem. Last week it was Detroit Pistons basketball fans, just before they played the Toronto Raptors; Detroit Red Wings hockey fans also booed our anthem before they played the Vancouver Canucks. Tonight, there was booing as Oh Canada played just before the Toronto Maple Leafs played the New York Islanders.

Yes, I realize it's happened before, and Canadian fans have been guilty of it in the past as well, but do these brainless fuckheads not realize our country is still in mourning for four soldiers an American pilot accidentally killed a week ago? It shows a lack of appreciation for Canada and a total lack of class. I hope they all choke on their Buds.

Bet On Black

Friday, April 19, 2002

Did anyone else stand up and cheer last night when John Carroll was voted off Survivor 4? Whe and I sure as hell did. I haven't had this much fun watching the popular reality show since Richard Hatch won the first one.

It's interesting how the racists come out of the woodwork every season of Survivor. The message boards make it obvious who the racists are. I can't tell you how many assholes have written about how awful it is that Sean Rector (god forbid) has mentioned several times on the show that he's (gasp) black.

Me, I'm rootin' for Sean. I didn't like him much at first, but he's growing on me and his comments at tribal council yesterday as he voted for John: "Check mate bro. Next time you're in Vegas, bet on black" endeared him to me for the rest of the season.

Go Sean!

Goodbye, My Dear

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Robert Urich died of cancer today. He was only 55 years old. I don't usually get upset when celebrities die, I mean, I don't know these people personally, so it never usually affects me one way or the other. With Urich it was a little different though and I had tears in my eyes this morning when I read of his death. You see, Urich was the first celebrity "man" I'd ever had a crush on, unlike some of the pretty boys I'd liked when I was really young, you know, guys like The Bay City Rollers, David Cassidy and his half brother Sean.

I used to watch Vegas on my parent's crappy 17" black & white TV downstairs in the basement . It was on at 10 o'clock on Wednesday or Thursday night and I had to watch it in the basement by myself as no-one else in my family was "in love" with Urich like I was. I had such a huge crush on the actor that I used to fantasize in my head that I was a lot older and was Dan Tanna's girlfriend on Vegas. I never imagined my weekly Vegas viewing habit affected any other member of my family until one evening when I was headed downstairs to watch it: my father stopped me in the kitchen and asked where I was going. I told him and he asked me to go upstairs to bed instead. Of course I refused, even though I could see he was agitated. He stopped me and said: "I don't think your mother and I will ever get to get to go to bed together again." I'll never forget the look on his face when I glared at him and headed downstairs. I mean, he expected me to miss Vegas? No way was I gonna do that.

I met Urich once, when I worked in downtown Toronto. Some woman I worked with told me they were shooting Spenser for Hire around the corner from our office, on Bond Street. So on my lunch hour, I ran right over there to catch a glimpse of him, which I did. There weren't too many people around and I didn't have anything to say to him, but I walked right beside him, turned my head and shot him my most dazzling smile and he smiled back. I walked away, beaming. I think I was glowing the rest of the day.

Vegas was re-run again, when I was in my early 20s, on Fox every night one summer and of course I couldn't miss an episode. I was also a poor reporter living on my own for the first time and my only TV was, you guessed it - the CRAPPY 17" black & white TV my parents gave me when I moved out. I don't think I ever saw Vegas in colour. Watching it again brought me back to the good old days, sitting in my parent's basement enjoying the fantasy land I had created for myself when I was a kid, a bowl of popcorn on one side of me, a Pepsi on the other, no worries except for homework.

So when I found out Robert Urich died today, I think a little piece of my childhood died with him.

Down Memory Lane

Monday, April 08, 2002

Whe came home yesterday with a box filled with old black and white photographs, most of which we had developed ourselves, in the darkroom at college.

One of the funniest pics we found was from when we met and interviewed the presidents of The Monkees fan club, Rick Wharton and Tyrone Biljan. We tape recorded the interview and when we listened to it later that evening, we noticed that anytime Wharton wasn't the center of the conversation, he was either humming or loudly tapping on the edge of the table. What an ego this guy had.

So I wasn't too surprised when I was watching MuchMusic about 5 years ago and Whe pointed out the "Conspiracy Guy" as being none other than Wharton. He looked a little different (I hadn't seen him in 10 years) and was actually kinda funny playing that character. I guess I was happy for him as I'm pretty sure he'd always wanted to be a celebrity, although he was obviously only a "b" celebrity. He's even got his own website.

Lately, though, Wharton has been on these extremely annoying TV ads for nicorette gum, featured as the ex-smoker sitting in an office meeting, dying for a smoke. He looks bloated and old.

When we first saw the ad together, Whe and I looked at each other, the same question in both our minds. Do we look that old? Nah. Wharton was at least 2 or 3 years older than us, at least I'm pretty sure...

Welcome to my nightmare

Monday, April 01, 2002

Yes, Jesus loves me, the lylenorg tells me so.

I haven't been on the computer much lately. Dealing with in-laws since my father's death has proven to be a complete nightmare. I'm so tired of the fighting.

To make matters more complicated (but much brighter) I'm pregnant, and expecting my second baby in October.

Lord help me get through all this in one piece.

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