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Bet On Black

Friday, April 19, 2002

Did anyone else stand up and cheer last night when John Carroll was voted off Survivor 4? Whe and I sure as hell did. I haven't had this much fun watching the popular reality show since Richard Hatch won the first one.

It's interesting how the racists come out of the woodwork every season of Survivor. The message boards make it obvious who the racists are. I can't tell you how many assholes have written about how awful it is that Sean Rector (god forbid) has mentioned several times on the show that he's (gasp) black.

Me, I'm rootin' for Sean. I didn't like him much at first, but he's growing on me and his comments at tribal council yesterday as he voted for John: "Check mate bro. Next time you're in Vegas, bet on black" endeared him to me for the rest of the season.

Go Sean!

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