We Are Damn Serious About Our Hockey
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
Hockey Night in Canada on CBC, a country's tradition. My family used to watch it every single Saturday night in the fall and winter when I was a kid. Dave Hodge, the host, was like a god to me. So when Hodge was fired after he threw his pencil in the air and said "That's the CBC for you," when the network cut off an NHL overtime game in the 1980s, I didn't warm up to his replacement, Ron MacLean, immediately. But after awhile, he too became like a god, afterall, he was the one who delivered my weekly dose of hockey news and, more importantly, he was the ying to Don Cherry's yang on Coaches Corner every week.
It seems the CBC doesn't agree and after two weeks of contract negotiations they issued a terse press release the other day saying that MacLean was no longer with the company. WTF? I was so pissed off. And it seems, I am not alone. Fans are absolutely outraged, the CBC has received more than 3,000 angry emails and telephone calls demanding they renegotiate with MacLean. People have picketed the CBC in downtown Toronto. One guy even brought his TV down and smashed it to pieces with a hockey stick, saying he absolutely will not watch Hockey Night In Canada if MacLean is not hosting it.
Hey, like I said, we Canadians are serious about our hockey.
Here's what other Canadians have to say about Ron MacLean on the CBC website.
All the public protesting seems to be working as the CBC announced this afternoon that it will resume negotiations with MacLean on Thursday. Whe thinks it's all a CBC publicity stunt. I think I agree with one of the comments on the CBC website: "QUIT PLAYING GAMES AND JUST GET RON BACK YOU FOOLS!!!"