Sunday, September 08, 2002
We've got a new addition to the family. No, I haven't given birth yet -- not due for another six, long, miserable weeks (yeah, yeah, the pregnant are allowed to bitch, so SHUT UP!). The new addition is to our blog family. We've always enjoyed starvingkitty's contributions to the message boards, and she has finally agreed to write for the site.
In other big news, we are now a dot com, baby!! Thanks to our beloved Godfader who, unlike us pathetic slobs, actually has CREDIT, we can now be found at We really need to find some way to thank him for all he's done for us. He has never failed to show us support when we're in trouble. What more can you ask for in a man?
My baby's father came home this afternoon and noticed that I had the tea kettle set up and a tea bag in a cup, but absent-mindedly forgot to pour hot water into the cup. He wanted to know what the strange-looking teabag was, and I explained it was Red Raspberry Leaf tea, which helps tone the uterus and is good for childbirth.
"I thought what we did last night helps tone the uterus," he said, in a rooster-like reminder that we had sex the night before.
"No, I believe that tones the cervix, not the uterus. That's important too, though."
"Glad to be of cervix," he said.