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The joy of passing gas

Wednesday, July 31, 2002

From the fine people who brought you Everyone Poops...

We've been discussing potty training with my son now and again, but right now he is definitely not interested. Do you want to sit on the potty? "NO!" he shouts, like we just recommended he watch a special two-hour episode of American Idol. Then again, he's been saying 'no' to just about everything these days. And to think, he was such a positive two-year-old. Rarely grumpy or defiant. Now he's acting a little more like his parents.

He has peed in his potty a few times, and we jump and cheer in response, like he just scored a winning touchdown. Once he's older, and taking solo trips to the bathroom, shitting will be such a letdown. Where's my applause?? Where's my positive support?? What, no audience? Screw this.

Every little thing you teach your child could have such huge consequences. I'm a gentle, calm parent, who doesn't freak out easily. I think this will help save money in psychiatry bills down the line. But when it comes down to specifics, I worry a bit. If I don't potty train him right, he could turn into the next Ted Bundy. He could fling poo at his classmates in Kindergarten. Or worse yet, spell out "I hate my mother" in pee in the snow.

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