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Baby Boomers Can Kiss My Ass

Tuesday, June 04, 2002

I heard the song San Francisco on the radio the other day and thought about how the hippies had so many plans to change the world. What a generation of hypocrites.

Sorry for being so bitter, it's just that my generation, unflatteringly called "Generation X" (those born between 1965 and 1980) is commonly defined as the “Postponement Generation” and described as 'indecisive, lacking in ambition and as having ‘few heroes, no anthems, no style to call its own’. In many ways, this is true and who can really blame us? The Baby Boomers got here first. They got all the choice jobs with the good money while the X-ers got whatever jobs (if any) were left over.

In 1969, the Boomers were protesting the Vietnam War and fighting oppression and their parent's generation. They wanted to make the world a much better place. Then 10 years later, they turned around and voted for Ronald Reagan.

What happened to peace, love and freedom? They traded it in for money, fancy cars and security.

Fuck the Baby Boomers. Fuck them right up their fat, rich asses. That is all.

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