You're A Mean One, Rebecca X
As I was emptying my ice-cube trays into the sink the morning I moved out of one of the most financially nightmarish situations of my life, I couldn't help but think of The Grinch. Not the Jim Carrey feature film, mind you, but the classic Boris Karloff narrated half hour cartoon. After all, that's basically who I was being accused of being by my room-mate. She didn't exactly call me The Grinch, she called me a leech, in a pathetic little note I found on the kitchen counter one evening last week. There I was, living in a house with a (now former) friend and her 11-year-old daughter, paying half the rent and half the utilities, I was barely ever home and I was a leech.
In January, I asked my ex-friend and room-mate if it was OK to move out at the end of March; I couldn't afford the rent and high utility costs anymore because I was unemployed, I wanted to live alone and she had been constantly harping that she wanted someone else to move in so the rent could be split three ways. I was actually expecting a huge argument that night but met with no resistance. I should have known to expect it though when, in February, I'd asked her if she'd found anyone to move in and found out she hadn't even put an ad in the paper yet. Stupid bitch.
I have no doubt that everything would have been fine if she'd found someone else to move in. Instead, two weekends ago, I was at home cleaning out my cat's litterbox and she asked me when she could get money for half the utility bills. I replied that I would work it out, factoring in her half of the phone bill and half the internet costs. She countered by saying she barely ever used the internet so of course I said I was never home, and asked why I was paying half the utility bills then? I told her she was getting a great deal, having me paying half of everything for her and her daughter, so why would she complain about paying half of an internet bill? Like the wimp that she is, she backed off and instead left me a note, telling me I was being "very unreasonable. If you had to pay for someone to look after your cat it would probably cost you more than what you owe me." Of course, she didn't mention the countless times I babysat her daughter.
Basically, this note was very ugly. My favourite line though was this one: "Oh, and by the way, I think you would make a perfect used car salesperson!" Oooh - did she actually think that would sting? All it did was make me laugh! I realized, however, that no matter what happened after reading that note, I would never want to see her sulking, depressing face again.
The last time I lived with a so-called friend (meaning someone I'd actually known, for less than two years) was 10 years ago and some of the same bullshit occured - like the woman telling me I should be grateful she was letting me live there! When I moved out of that woman's house, she had some students move in who caused her alot of trouble. A few months later I saw her and the first thing she said to me was: "I didn't realize how spoiled I was when you were living with me."
I suspect the same thing will happen now that I'm no longer living with this one and I've taken my TV, VCR, stereo, dining room table, toaster, kettle, frying pans, grill, dishes, glasses, oven mitts, dishcloths, etc., etc. In fact, minutes after the movers took my TV on Wednesday, she was in the livingroom, setting up her own crappy TV and getting a little freaked out because there wasn't even a way to hook it up to the cable. She had the nerve to ask me if I knew how to set it up. I had to stifle a laugh before I said: "I don't know how to do such things." Sucker.
As I walked down the front hallway steps, hearing her say goodbye, I closed the door and thought: no wonder I'm still humming songs from The Grinch, getting the hell out of here feels like christmas day.