They're coming to take my baby away...
Tuesday, January 29, 2002
My first (and only) car is getting towed to the scrap yard today. She's been sitting in my parking space untouched for over a year, because I never had the heart to clean her out and have her shipped off.
She's nothing fancy. Just a low-end Ford Escort. Although she was the first car in my family with air conditioning, and she was special to me. The Escort was such a popular car at the time, it was a bitch trying to find her in crowded parking lots when I would visit the city. The car was reasonable and reliable, and that's why I chose her.
When I bought her, BeX named her Sexy Sadie. BeX liked her bright, cherry red colour, and despised her own shit-brown Dodge Omni (which I named Acme), that she bought used. Sadie was shiny and new, an '89 I bought in '90.
Some people teased me because she was relatively cheap. Others because she was so bright.
To me, she meant independence and great place to have sex. I can't count the number of times her steering wheel has hit my ass.
After I was done emptying out Sadie's trunk, I tried starting the engine, for old time's sake. She started right away, and purred smoothly. I could always depend on her, even in the coldest winters in northern Ontario, she hardly ever gave me a problem. If I had the money too keep her insured, renew her plates and fix her brakes, I wouldn't have to say goodbye.
My heart is heavy today. Sadie, you will always be my first.