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Thursday, December 27, 2001

The Grinch scares my baby!

Well, Christmas is finally over and I've had a cold since Christmas Eve. Despite that, this has been the best Christmas since my mother died nearly ten years ago. My son is two now, and it was so great watching his excitement at opening presents.

I don't think he quite understands the concept of Santa Claus at all, perhaps because I haven't taken him to see Santa since his first Christmas. Something about paying for a Polaroid of my precious child on some stranger's lap is a major turn off.

The OriginalHe is, however, aware of The Grinch. I bought him a tape of the Jim Carrey movie, and it absolutely terrifies him. He now uses the stuffed toy which came with the tape to terrorize his other toys. A Fisher Price firefighter and truck set I bought him for Christmas come to the rescue to beat up the Grinch and exile him to the kitchen, where he lays hidden behind the curtains.

Strangely enough, the boy adores listening to readings of How The Grinch Stole Christmas, either by me or from a tape BeX bought accidentally (thinking it was the 1966 Boris Karloff movie), featuring Walter Matthau reading the tale along with badly animated scenes from the book, and released in 1957. It's a good thing Walter's dead, or he'd be forced into the kitchen, where evil goes to die.

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