Hello Wisconsin! Once again, I’m off to visit my man in the land of milk and cheese. I’m very excited, as usual, but I always feel bad about leaving my cat. Every time I get a suitcase and start packing it to go away somewhere, Mokie knows. She starts hanging around me a lot more and she walks around my bedroom crying.
I leave tomorrow morning for my fourth visit to see Eigh. I like going to see him, but the drive is a bitch. Ten to twelve hours in my car and ALWAYS, ALWAYS some sort of delay in Chicago. Every single time I go through that city I am cursing it.
I mentioned to Eigh last time I was in Wisconsin, that when I first got my car, I would get into it and feel a sort of mad glee. After five long years, I finally had a car again. I used to drive around mindlessly on my lunch hours at work. Why? Because I could! I now look at it as a sort of medieval torture chamber. Obviously, I do it to myself but, I admit, when I finally arrive, it's worth it…