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Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Day of Infamy: How many of us woke up today and had an inkling of the events that changed our world so drastically in the course of a matter of minutes? Not I. Watching the footage of the New York World Trade Center first exploding and then collapsing was shocking and terrifying. The aftermath of that event and the explosion at the Pentagon, could affect generations all over the world for years to come.

Is World War III coming? It's very likely. Can us Canadians really blame the U.S. if they seek revenge and perhaps blow up the Middle East? In the next few hours, days or weeks, we could very likely see even much more violence to come.

The numbers of innocent people killed in the United States today has not been released yet. It's expected to be many thousands though. What a sad day for our neighbours to the south. My heart goes out to them.

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