I made it back to Toronto from Wisconsin in only 11 hours and drove my usual speed of 130-140 km an hour (80-90 miles an hour for you Americans)! I'm exhausted but appreciative of the comfortable temperatures I drove in today. What a difference a week makes!!
Some of the highlights of my drive included the ungodly smell when I hit Detroit - it smelled like a combination of shit and methane gas - and the many morons who tailgated and/or cut me off on the way. I guess the real highlight though would have to be the Ontario truck driver who was waving at me like a madman in the Chicago area when he saw my Ontario license plate. With all the driving I've been doing lately, I certainly have a lot more respect for truckers than I used to, but that's another topic for another day.
I had a really great time while I was in Wisconsin and will report on my second visit with Eigh later on this week.