Guest columnist CrotchCannibal philosophizes
I've Owned You For Centuries
I don't believe in God.
When we die, that's it. Game Over. No angels, no heaven, no eternal happiness, no door prize. Just your body, the cold earth, and the fucking worms (unless you're cremated -- in that case, you get either an urn or a windy day).
Whenever I see people acting kind for the sake of "God's grace", I wanna puke. Big, steaming chunks. Are these people blind to the truth? Are they suffering from some cruel illusion? Fuck the righteous path, man, just walk wherever the fuck you want to. As long as you're not murdering (*without merit), abusing, or robbing anyone, and as long as you're doing what you enjoy, I're living a good life. If the religious masses would disagree, then they are -- quite clearly -- in the wrong.
I also think good beer should be cheaper, space exploration should be better-funded, and that I deserve a higher quality stereo.
*it's OK to murder fuckin' pricks.