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Big Hollywood Kissies

Wednesday, July 04, 2001

Dick Pierce's Behind Hollywood
by Dick Pierce

Hello, Hugs and BIG Hollywood-style kisses to all my fans!!! I know its been so long since I've been here 'online' as the kids say, and I'm SO sorry, but there has been ALOT of things going on in my life, like for instance, I HAD to rewatch the ENTIRE 2000-01 season of Dharma & Greg again, Relive the laughs and tears of the best season EVER!!!! Man oh man, this is the reason TV was created!!!!

This and 'Coach' of course...

Also I've been in my 'Think-Tank', as you know I'm famous for my weekly Xena parties, where we all sit around and watch 'Xena: Warrior Princess', and then we all go and gather around my new water cooler and discuss the episode, we discuss the action scenes, the clothes, the latent homosexual vibes between Xena and Gabriel!

Welp last week was the last episode of Xena, that's right no more Xena parties for me. Sure I could still have them for the re-runs of the show, but come on Xena, re-run costume parties? That's a bit too white trash for me, plus that's so totally gay!!!!

So if you can think of any new ideas please email me, k? Or send it by 'Snail mail', sorry for all the net jargon here, but I just bought a copy of 'The Internet for Dummies'! Lotta cool stuff in it...didja know McDonald's is on the web?

Anyway let's get on with the show, the first part of course is my Ramble Goose section, where I just ramble on and create things for you and yours to discuss around your water coolers...then I give my tip of the week, my video tip of the week and also I answer a LETTER or two, and remember the winner of the LETTER OF THE WEEK, gets an autograph of me and someone famous!!!!!!!! Here we go!!!

  • Are you counting down the days until season 2 of the XFL like me?
  • You know what my favorite thing is about Teen Pop godess Mandy is? The way she is able to keep reinventing herself!!!!
  • There are only 254 days until the next BlockBuster Awards!!!! Better go ahead and get those ballots in to avoid the mob!!!
  • Is it just me or does Fred Durst's shtick never get old?
  • Who's with me on my letter campaign to CBS to renew Bette?
  • Is it too early to go ahead and dub Lil Romeo as the New Jimi Hendrix?
  • Jurassic Park 3? No thanks!!! I saw it already, when it was called 'The Land Before Time 4'!!!!
  • Is it just me or is BET a little too black? Nothing a good helping of Friends re-runs couldn't fix!!!!
  • Speaking of Friends, who else thinks Courtney Cox could stand to lose a few pounds, cause you aren't sexy if you're weighing in the triple digits!!!
  • Anyone else miss Chet Atkins yet? If so, then could you please tell me who he is, and why I should miss him?
  • Who else thinks Entertainment Weekly went too far last week with their, 'Bob Denver, 60 and loving it!' top story?
  • And is too much to ask to see more of the delightful Melissa and Joan Rivers making fun of what celebs wear?
  • Why hasnt Elton John settled down with a nice woman yet?
  • Princess Di would have been 40 this week, if she hadn't ran straight into the side of a tunnel in Paris!!!! Just another reason why I will never go back to France!!!!
  • I dont know about little girls, but the last time Paula Poundstone touched me was in her role in 'Science Court' as the bossy and gruff, but lovable Judge...and I like everyone else must ask the question, "What happened to her Emmy?"

    Go ahead and buy a subscription to 'Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen Magazine'..why? Well this way you won't have to worry about going down to the stand and seeing a empty slot where MKAOM is supposed to be, also you will get your copy early and you will have the advantage at cocktail parties...you can impress your friends with such facts as that 60% of girls ages 10-12 LOVE Heath Ledger, but think that Mel Gibson is 'so done'....also you can join their EMAIL CLUB!!! Get all the info on their home videos!!!! Man I should go down to Vegas and bet on them...YOU CAN'T LOSE!!!!

    The 1996 hit 'Ed', not to be confused with the NBC show starring John Stewart!!!! This is about a Monkey and his 'Friend', the friend of course being Matt Lablanc...this movie is GREAT, and was SO robbed at Oscar time, it's a heartwarming movie, and ED is the best baseball monkey since EVER!!!!!

    Go here for more on ED.

    Welp my little Snorks Clock(I LOVE the snorks) is telling me that its time for bed!!!! So I will leave for now...and remember Hollywood isnt just a city, its a State....OF MIND!!!!

    Lots of Hollywood kisses and Hugs to my fans!!

    Oh and as you know Im very inter-net savy now, so here is a joke I got in my email today from the Joke of the Day place:

    Why did the cookie go to the hospital?

    Cause it was feeling crumby!!!!

    Dick Pierce

    Dick Pierce is the award winning syndicated writer of 'Dick Pierce's Behind Hollywood." He has been a syndicated writer for, oh, let's say 20 years... that's a good round number ain't it?

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