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The Pink Slip

Wednesday, May 30, 2001

One of my good friends at work got fired today.

No one really knows why, or what happened but of course there is a lot of gossip and lots of rumours going around about it. When someone gets fired, there is always a very foreboding feeling of doom that permeates throughout the workplace. People were walking around and almost sizing each other up today, wondering who will be the next one on the chopping block.

The only thing that doesn't surprise me is that they just fired one of the hardest-working guys in the place. Fucking morons. This guy was always in the office. By that, I mean that he stayed late, was working on a lot of projects and generally did a hell of a lot of work.

It reminds me of when I worked as a newspaper reporter for a daily paper outside of Toronto. It was one of those jobs where I always went in early, stayed late and even went in on Sundays (non-paid time) to write extra stories for a special publication I put together every week. I worked my ass off at that place and what did I get for all my time and effort? A nice, big fat pink slip.

Recently, I've adopted a more casual and flippant attitude towards work.

I always used to hate those people who I always thought of as coasters - they just floated along, left every day at 5 p.m. on the nose and did no extra work whatsoever. I noticed that those people were always treated like gold. So I've decided, if I can't beat 'em, why not join 'em? Sure, I get my work done, but I no longer do extra work or go in on weekends. I put in my 8 hours a day and go home. And it’s working! My boss is treating me much better now than when I was working really hard.

Why work your ass off when your employer is just going to wait until you turn around and give you the boot? My god, I've joined the ranks of the coasters and it feels great!

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