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More Server Woes

Wednesday, April 25, 2001

While EZ Board is switching servers, Rebecca and I are going through message board withdrawal. After scoring some methadone, I stopped the jitters long enough to find Boobstock, a site devoted to pictures of my favourite part of the body. Alas, it just made me miss the board that much more, since our most popular thread is all about breasts.

Which reminds me: Oh Godfader, Where Art Thou?

J35u5 has an engaging tale to tell about his experience at a Ralph Nader speech, where he and a friend held up signs which read: "A vote for Nader was a vote for Bush" and "Thanks for a 'spoiled' environment Ralph". On a side note, whenever J35u5 writes about his drug exploits, the mother in me just breaks down and weeps.

Bob Barker seems to be back in business, but the messages on his Hoboboard appear to be decimated. This is a real pisser, especially since he had a good one going about mislabeled songs on Napster. Actually, it was about Bob Dylan, but it led to a discussion on how misinformation is spread when the people who initially upload mp3s are too dumb (or too young) to realize that the Foo Fighters did not record Kung-Foo Fighting, and Stuck in the Middle With You was not by Bob Dylan. The other day I did a search for Bow-Wow-Wow's I Want Candy. After typing in the band's name, I came up with nothing. When I typed in the title, I saw there were several versions by the Go-Go's. Not true, people, not true. The funny thing is, the song was originally done by Strangelove.

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