Pop Divas On A Downhill Slide
Is it just me, or does Madonna seem to be emulating Britney Spears lately? Okay, I'm making this statement after watching one video from each of these women, but I swear Madonna had Britney's same hairstyle, down to the last chemically-streaked strand. Sure Madonna looks pretty good for 40, but she's twice Britney's age. And isn't she known for being an innovator?
It's ridiculous when older generations emulate young hipsters, or scenesters, or whatever the hell they're called these days. The worst was when rich bitches started following the punk and grunge trends, sporting shiny black Sid Vicious hairdos with expensive leopard-look handbags and designer flannels with ripped jeans. To me, grunge wasn't so much a trend as a lack of money. And by the time the rich elite adopted punk, poor Sid was dead and buried.
When your grandmother starts stealing your glowsticks, it's time to find something new.
Speaking of old hags, I only recently saw Kurt and Courtney, Nick Broomfield's film which features everyone and his mother pointing the finger at Courtney Love for the death of Kurt Cobain. I was skeptical about the accusations when I first heard them, but by the end of the film I couldn't help but think that fucking bitch is a murderer. I'm curious to know what other people think. If you have an opinion, please post it on our message board.