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I Like A Good Steak: I think if people weren't meant to eat meat, it wouldn't be so damned tasty. Speaking of tasty, don't you just love when one group of militant freaks tries to latch onto another? Check out this link I found on PETA's site while looking for a graphic for Rebecca's post. They want pro-lifers to "Go Veg," as if they weren't vegetables already. Here's a quote from the site:
It is inconsistent to be pro-life and also support violence, misery, and death every time you eat. The issue of abortion involves many decisions, but going vegetarian involves only one. We have to ask ourselves, "Do I want to support animal abuse by eating the corpse of a tortured animal?" Not everyone faces the abortion question, but everyone eats. For a person committed to saving lives, the answer should be obvious.
Sure the answer is obvious, if the question is: "How many other fanatical sheep can we suck into our own cult-like movement?" Are they going to start handing out veggie burgers at anti-abortion protests? Perhaps they can help provide ammunition next time an abortion doctor gets targeted. 
Here are some more ideas for marketing vegetarianism but better yet, did you know Jesus was a veg? It says so right here at I shit you not. They even include a section on the Jewish perspective (just to make sure all bases are covered). But wait, didn't that old booze-hound Jesus eat fish? Not so, according to Jesus Veg:
Most scholars agree that the post-resurrection stories of Jesus eating fish were added to the Gospels long after they were written, in order to settle various schisms in the early Church. (e.g., the Marcionites and other early Christians believed that Jesus did not actually return in the flesh. What better way to prove that he did than to depict him eating?) The scribes who added the stories were not, apparently, averse to eating fish. But since this is the only depiction anywhere in the Gospels of Jesus eating any animals at all, and in light of all the additional evidence, above, it seems clear that Jesus was.