Any Palladini Is A Dead Pal Of Mine
Ontario Tory Al Palladini has died of a massive heart attack. I received this in an email from Rebecca yesterday:
"Did ya hear Al Palladini died today? He was vacationing in Mexico. I had two thoughts on that one: first, I wished it was (my ex-boyfriend) Kevin, then I wished it was (Toronto Mayor) Mel Lastman. Why does he keep on living????? Lastman will probably live till he's 100."
Rebecca is what you'd call a sensitive sort of girl. Too bad we didn't know each other when Ronald Reagan was shot. We'd have had a blast following that one on the news, although I remember being bitterly disappointed when he survived. Ah, childhood memories...
I love that story: In entertainment news, Paul Reubens, is not only featured in a new Johnny Depp film called Blow, but is set to host the television version of the game show You Don't Know Jack and will reprise his role as Pee Wee Herman in TWO films (one for adults, and one for kids). More on Pee Wee later. Until then, share your Pee Wee memories with us and take our Pee Wee Poll.
The Pee Wee Herman Curiouser, webring, and more.