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Hurl Me

Monday, February 19, 2001

We've received more mail from our adoring fans! My favourite is from a reader who's possibly concerned that Liz Hurley might sue us for the "baseless libel" on our Stupid Girl page.

Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 21:58:28 -0600
To: farginbastiges@yahoo.com
From: Joshua Gaines
Subject: Elizabeth Hurley's "supposed" Comments Regarding Marilyn Monroe

Your page regarding Elizabeth Hurley's comments about Marilyn Monroe is based upon fiction, as can be properly verified here. Perhaps you people should do some fact checking once in a while. It seems to me that if you weren't just jealous and honestly did believe that women in entertainment today are too skinny, you'd check your facts properly. Just a thought. I'm no huge fan of Elizabeth Hurley or anything, I think her acting is atrocious, personally; however, baseless libel is definitely something that I despise. Correct your page.

My response:
I'm very familiar with Snopes, and the page you cite doesn't question Hurley's comments (which she hasn't denied to my knowledge) but merely the popular claim that Marilyn Monroe was a size 16 (which we've never touched upon). Perhaps you need to get your facts straight and read things clearly before sending off letters about "baseless libel."
For a statement to be libelous, it must be false. We've made no false claims.

Josh, sweetie, if I were jealous of anyone it would be Marilyn herself, not some model/actress who trashed her without even thinking about what impression she's giving insecure, young women. It's not so much a question of whether actresses are too skinny; it's more of a revolt against stupidity. And Liz, darling, if you ever read this: If you weren't so scared of being as "fat" as Marilyn Monroe, you probably wouldn't have to wear an uncomfortable Wonderbra to boost up those tits of yours.

Shameless plug for your vote: Do it for Marilyn.

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