Hate mail and love letters
Sunday, February 18, 2001
You know, we get a lot of fan mail here at We Hate Everyone. We don't normally share it with our readers, but when famous cartoon characters write in, it's hard not to show off a bit.
From: "bugs bunny"
To: farginbastiges@yahoo.com
Subject: you suck
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 23:40:23 -0000
I can't believe there are people that are so naive as you, and ones that write the crap on your page. Not only that, I can't believe these same people are smart enough to figure out HOW to use the web. I love listening to whiny people that bitch about "how horrible it is" that people wear fur.
I got news for ya toots, your plastic clothes that aren't biodegradable (newsflash: fur is natural, as is leather. Go to school, you might learn something) and your apartment building, that I'm SURE was built on land that never once had an animal living on it, are a hell of a lot worse than killing a few of them to wear or eat. Get over it. Go back to watching your happy damn Disney movies, then go out and hug some friendly wild wolves and lions and shit. I'm sure they'll be all over your compassion for them. Forget that these animals are killers, and we just happen to be another link in the same food chain. Stop thinking about how sorry you are that they were removed from a life living in constant fear of some predator killing them every hour of every day. Screw you people. You aren't forcing me to go vegetarian, and, another news flash, meat comes from dead animails.
Should we just throw away cow hides when we kill them? Would that be better than actually making their death a little more worthwhile? Until you live in a forest, with no shelter, and wear grass fronds and eat bark, shut the hell up about fur. Obviously thats the difference between men and women. Men can actually look at something rationally, and not let emotion take over. Hope I didn't make you cry.
Rebecca's response?
Did you not read a thing I wrote? I'm not naive, I've
been on both sides of the fur issue. It's not just the
animals either, the people making money off animal
pelts are also disgusting human beings who treat their
staff like shit.
Go have a burger and shut your trap.
Don't worry, Bugs, you didn't make us cry. What a maroon.