Why has the world fallen in love with poo?
Saturday, January 20, 2001
This question is answered in The Colon Blow Project, one of the funniest things I've read in awhile. A girl and her male roommates take double doses of laxatives for a week, and live to tell about it. Rebecca should enjoy it, as she's obsessed with poo. I have a little chalkboard in my kitchen where we keep a running grocery list, and after she's been over to visit the word poo has inevitably been added to the list.
 Ever feel insecure because you're not a
gorgeous celebrity? Of course you do! Don't feel so bad, they're just better than you and I. Farrah Fawcett still looks good, as you can see here in the picture on the right. (At least I think that's her... it could be my uncle Abe.) With her looks, it's no wonder she keeps posing in Playboy. And motherhood hasn't affected Uma Thurman's appearance one bit. If only we all had such perfect genes (not to mention high-paid stylists and airbrushing).