Smegma: You know you love it
Tuesday, January 16, 2001
I find it interesting that of the people who've posted to my circumcision question on one of our many message boards (for the most recent, see Foreskin: Vital body part or filthy smegma trap?), all are either men who are uncut or women who prefer their men cut.
What is it about a little extra skin that scares the hell out of North American women?
I'll admit I've only been with one man who was intact, and it was a miserable experience. There was a nasty incident during oral sex when his penis starting bleeding profusely (I wasn't even using my teeth). But is that any reason to write-off hooded men forever?
If someone suggested all newborn girls should have their clitoral hoods removed he'd be lambasted by feminists, so why do we continue to chop off that foreskin on fresh little boys? It just makes no sense.