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It's not Who You Know, It's Who You Blow...

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Winning the Gene Pool Lottery: If she hadn't been born with a silver spoon up her arse, Belinda Stronach would probably be working as a cashier at Zeller's, rather than running for the Leadership of the Canadian Conservative Party.

At 37 years old, Stronach has zero political experience, is a college dropout, has been divorced twice, doesn't speak French and was the former chief executive of auto parts manufacturer Magna International, a company her daddy owns.

There is an interesting scandal brewing around Stronach and her relationship with former U.S. President Bill Clinton. She says he's "a friend" but more often than not when they are spotted together, they're arm-in-arm. Her "friend" Bill apparently encouraged her to run for the conservative party leadership spot.

If Stronach wasn't such a stuck-up, poor-little-rich-girl, I might actually be a little jealous, after all, Clinton is not a bad looking guy and think of all that power he used to wield.

This woman who was born a multi-millionaire is one of a pack of offspring who we in Canada seem to be stuck hearing about all the time. The other two are Catherine Clark (probably the least offensive of the three), the daughter of former Prime Minister Joe Clarke and Ben Mulroney, the smarmy CTV Canadian Idol host who is the son of Brian Mulroney, one of our most hated Prime Ministers in recent times.

Personally, I think all three of them deserve a kick in the teeth.

If it turns out for sure that Stronach has been fooling around with Clinton, I won't be surprised, she'll just look like even more of a bimbo than I suspect she is. Hopefully the Conservative Party of Canada will see this too and she won't stand a chance in hell of leading them.

Goddamn Trouble Making Dogs!

Monday, February 16, 2004

Triumph, you bad, bad dogAn Embarassing Week To Be A Canadian: Our politicians and media can become hysterical over nothing. Take this week for example: Two ridiculous, totally blown out of proportion stories in the media involving dogs.

The first story the media keeps harping about is the dog poisonings at Withrow Park, a community area around the Riverdale neighbourhood in Toronto. The second is Triumph The Insult Comic Dog and his "bashing" of Quebecois.

The top story every single morning and afternoon on 680 News is the latest update on Withrow Park - apparently the city is fencing off the park until the spring and a handful of residents are protesting. Yes, we all know one dog died and five others got sick two weeks ago. Haven't we heard enough about it? Besides the residents of the area, who really cares anymore? I sure as hell don't.

Then of course there's Triumph. He ain't called The Insult Comic Dog for nothing. The day after his "attack" on French-speaking Canadians, our politicians totally over-reacted.

"I think it was vile and vicious. I think it amounts to hate-mongering," said NDP MP Alexa McDonough. For fuck sakes McDonough, you useless piece of garbage, I didn't even realize you were still in politics, who gives a shit what you think?!

Then the good old Toronto Star published an editorial in its Saturday edition that said: "Goodbye Conan. Don't come back soon.'' It was just reactionist bullshit, typical of a reactionist newspaper. I haven't regularly read The Star in years because it's filled with countless grammatical errors and typos and an idiotic editorial like that one isn't going to change my reading habits anytime soon.

I don't like dogs to begin with and I'm sick to death of hearing about them. I just wish these news outlets would throw me a frickin' bone and stop talking about them.

Lord of Destruction

Thursday, February 05, 2004

The Devil Tempting Me To Waste Time? An old addiction came creeping up on me this week. No, not the shooting up heroin addiction, the Diablo II addiction. I have wasted countless hours playing the damn computer game every night after work and all for naught.

About two years ago, I played and finished the original Diablo II twice using two different characters, including The Amazon, pictured on the left. This was not good enough for Blizzard Entertainment, of course, and they had to put out a Diablo II Expansion pack, just to torture me.

In the game, you venture into new lands and different levels, killing monsters as you go, and in many levels there are waypoints that you step on which automatically take you back into the "safe" zone, which is usually a village. Those points also allow you, when you start the game the next day, to just jump to that point and play it from there. That's all fine and good, if you can actually find the waypoints. I have a bad sense of direction at the best of times and fuck it - I haven't found the next waypoint after playing at least 6 hours of this damn game on three separate evenings.

It wouldn't be so bad if after you saved and exited the game, the same monsters didn't return. But they do. Waaaah! So if you can't find the waypoint, you have to fight your way through the same bullshit you did the night before.

I have vowed not to play it all weekend but the lure of El Diablo might be too much for me. I must resist - I must resist.

In Hockey News: Holy Shit - tonight The Leafs came back from being down 4-0 to The Ottawa Senators and won 5-4 in overtime. I hate the Sens, so that made it even sweeter. Go Leafs Go!

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